The most fearsome hunter in the ocean has no skeleton. Its ancestors dined on dinosaurs. It sometimes eat people. It's the great white shark.
Facts about Great White Shark( black tipped pectoral fins.
Length: Most reach an avarage length of 10 to 12 feet (6 meters).
Weight: Most weight about 1000 pounds (450 kilograms), but some may weight as much as 2 tons (1800 kilograms).
Color: Dark grey on top and off-white on the bottom.
Distinctive Habits: Hunts along shorelines for mammals. Although it is thought to eat people, few cases have been reported.
Food: Fish, squid, seals, sea lions, whales.
Reproduction: Eggs hatch in female's body. Then female gives birth to live offspring.
Life Span: Unknown.
Works Cited
Markle, Sandra. Great White Sharks. San Francisco: n.p., 2004.
Martin, James. The Great White Shark. N.p.: Capstone Press, 1995.